The value of investments can go down as well as up, and the investor could get back less than was paid in. Laws and tax rules may change in the future. Personal circumstances and where the investor lives in the UK will also have an impact on tax treatment.

Facts and features

A parent or guardian who is a Wrap account holder can open a Junior ISA on behalf of a Junior and they will become the Registered Contact. It is also possible for a non-Wrap account holder to be the Registered Contact, if a close family member of the Junior is an existing Wrap account holder.

  • No minimum age, maximum age 17 years, 9 months; UK residents only
  • No platform charges until the Junior reaches age 18
  • Wide fund choice from a variety of fund managers and model portfolios
  • Access to all the main asset classes, investment styles and risk profiles
  • Minimum investment amount is £500 single, £50 monthly, £150 quarterly, £300 half yearly or £500 yearly
  • Maximum contributions - £9000 for the 2023/24 tax year
  • Withdrawals only allowed once the Junior is age 18 and the Junior ISA is converted into a standard Stocks and Shares ISA
  • Flexible remuneration that you can agree with the Registered Contact

Before you start the application

Once you submit an application (available below), our team will open a Wrap account and Junior ISA on the Wrap platform for you, which you will then be able to manage in the normal way for making new payments and inspecie transfers, investment selections and adviser charging.

  • To apply for a Junior ISA, the Registered Contact or a close family member must be an existing Wrap account holder. Only the Registered Contact has access to the Junior ISA.
  • A close family member is defined as a parent/guardian, grandparents or siblings.
  • Before completing this form, please ensure your Registered Contact has read the Key Features and Terms and Conditions.
  • The wrap account and Junior ISA will be held in the name of the Junior. The details of the Registered Contact will be recorded for contact purposes.
  • The account will be set to paperless by default and by applying you confirm that the Registered Contact agrees to that option. If you wish to change this you can do so on the platform once the product is set up.
  • You will be able to configure visibility of this Junior ISA on the Registered Contact’s client portal, as well as making client portal available to the Junior if this is required.

What is involved in the application process?

  • Complete all required fields and submit the Junior ISA web form. You’ll then receive a confirmation email.
  • If the Registered Contact is not an existing Wrap client, the anti-money laundering form needs to be completed and uploaded to the Client Document Library once you are provided with the Wrap account number set up.
  • We will create the Wrap account number for the Junior and generate the wrap services client term and conditions (WRAP66) plus any cash transfer forms.
  • You’ll be sent the account number. The pre-sale disclosure documents will then be available from the Client Document Library.
  • Once we are notified that the signed documents and anti-money laundering form (for non-Wrap Registered Contacts) have been returned, we will activate the account.
  • If you have elected to fund the Junior ISA from another Wrap account, we will move the money into the Junior ISA.
  • If the Junior is eligible, we’ll link the Junior account to a close family member’s account for family linking.
  • You will receive email confirmation of the Junior ISA being activated.
  • The account is then ready for you to use and create deposit instructions.

Things to be aware of

  • We are using the functionality for Wrap Stocks & Shares ISAs to set up the Junior ISA.
  • As Wrap accounts are normally for clients aged 18 and above, we will use a mock date of birth and National Insurance number to set the Wrap account up.  A copy of the web form will be stored in the Client Document Library with the Junior’s correct details.
  • The Registered Contact must sign the Wrap Terms and Conditions on behalf of the Junior.  Electronic signatures can be carried out using providers that operate within Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services (eIDAS) regulation and comply with the Electronic Communications Act 2000.  A list of approved providers can be found here.
  • We will set up the Junior ISA for you and move any cash requested from an existing Wrap account into the Junior ISA. You are responsible for telling us how the cash should be invested. For deposits using other payment methods, these can be set up by you on the platform.
  • The child will be the beneficial owner of the investments of the Wrap Junior ISA.
  • On the Wrap account, client portal and platform outputs/reports, the product name will show as the Stocks & Shares ISA.  The account name for the Wrap account will include a reference to Junior ISA to identify the account as being a Junior ISA. 
  • There may be some documents showing our old branding as we have taken a transitional approach but the full literature suite will be updated to show our new branding over the coming months.
  • The ISA declaration automatically produced by the Wrap platform and sent to the Registered Contact is only suitable for customers who are over 18.  You should inform the Registered Contact that it can be ignored and that the correct Junior ISA declaration is available in the Client Document Library.
  • Please note, an illustration will be generated when the JISA is initially opened reflecting the standard platform charge. Once the JISA is set-up, any future illustrations generated will reflect the correct platform charge (0%). You will then be able to run an existing business illustration based on the initial cash allocation; and once investments have been made in the JISA, to show the investments held by the Junior.
  • Any illustrations generated on the Junior ISA will not take into account that our platform charge will apply when the Junior turns 18.  You should run a revised illustration at that point.
  • The Charges information document will be produced when you make an investment in the Junior ISA.

Start your application

Your details

Junior’s details

Details of Registered Contact

Transferring an existing Junior ISA or Child Trust Fund

You will only need a sort code if you are transferring from a bank or building society

Inspecie transfers, regular and single payments

If you want to make an in specie transfer, regular and single payments, you can process these on the Wrap platform once the Wrap account and Junior ISA is set up.

Paying into a Junior ISA?

You can make subscriptions into the Junior ISA by transferring from another Wrap account or another provider or by making single or regular payments. If you want to transfer cash from another Wrap account or another provider we can do that when we set up your Junior ISA account. If you want to pay new money or transfer inspecie you can do that when the Junior ISA account is open.

Please ensure there is enough cleared cash in the Wrap Cash account to facilitate the transfer.

Payer Details

Please complete the details for the person who will be making the contribution into the Junior ISA (not required for cash or in specie transfers).

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Form

Please complete the Anti-Money Laundering Compliance Form (PDF) on behalf of any person making payment(s) into the Junior ISA account. This form should be uploaded to the Client Document Library once you are provided with the Wrap account number set up.

Junior ISA Declaration

By ticking the box below, you are making the following declaration on behalf of the Registered Contact:

The child will be the beneficial owner of the account investments.

I declare that

  • I am 16 years of age or over;
  • I will be the registered contact for the Junior ISA and have parental responsibility for the child named in the application;
  • I am not aware that the child has another stocks and shares Junior ISA;
  • I have not subscribed and will not subscribe to another stocks and shares Junior ISA for the child;
  • I am not aware of other Junior ISA subscriptions that will result in the child exceeding the subscription limit;
  • I will not knowingly make subscriptions to Junior ISAs for the child that will result in the subscription limit being exceeded;
  • The child does not have a Child Trust Fund account
  • The child is resident in the UK, or is a UK Crown servant, a dependent of a UK Crown servant or is married to/ in a civil partnership with a UK Crown servant; and
  • I agree to the wrap Junior ISA terms and conditions.

I authorise Standard Life Savings Limited

  • to hold the child’s subscriptions, Junior ISA investments, interest, dividends and any other rights or proceeds in respect of those investments and cash; and
  • to make on the child’s behalf any claims to relief from tax in respect of Junior ISA investments.

I confirm that to the best of my belief the information provided by me is true.

Adviser Declaration

I confirm that

  • the Junior is under the age of 17 years and nine months;
  • I have provided the Registered Contact with all relevant documentation, including (i) the wrap services client terms and conditions; (ii) the wrap ISA and wrap Personal Portfolio terms and conditions; and (iii) the wrap Junior ISA supplementary terms and conditions (together the “Terms”) and any investment documentation (where relevant), and have given the Registered Contact a reasonable opportunity to read the Terms;
  • the Registered Contact is the parent or legal guardian of the Junior and I agree to provide evidence of the Registered Contact's parental responsibility to abrdn on request;
  • I have explained to the Registered Contact that (i) the wrap Junior ISA is held in the name of the Junior; (ii) no withdrawals can be made; and (iii) when the Junior turns 18, the Junior will have full control over the ISA and abrdn will no longer accept instructions from the Registered Contact; and
  • I will not submit an application for any other wrap product on the wrap platform in the name of the Junior.
  • I have satisfied the minimum requirements to verify the identity of the Registered Contactin accordance with the UK Money Laundering regulations.
  • The evidence I/we have obtained to verify the identity meets, or exceeds, the standard evidence set out within the guidance issued by the FCA and by the Joint Money Laundering Steering Group (JMLSG).
  • I have the Registered Contact’s authority to submit this application on behalf of the Junior.

We reserve the right to request evidence of the above declarations at any time.

We will process personal data collected in relation to the Junior ISA in line with applicable privacy and data protection laws. You can find out more about how we process personal data in our privacy notice and the Junior ISA terms and conditions.

More resources for advisers


Tax warning
Laws and tax rules may change in the future. A client's personal circumstances and where they live in the UK will also have an impact on tax treatment.